And so it continues…

Hello all!

I hope that you did all have great summer time!
New semester started this week and already I have get used to idea summer vacation is over. Well back to the Business then and hit the power button!

Soon I will open new topic considering Programing, the language is going to be Java. Also I try to make more articles based on other subjects and maybe some more later year.

It’s going to be exquisite semester, lot’s of new subjects and so little time.

– Tuomas Törmä

Quote about Friends


In everyones life there are moments,
When our Winter shows no light and only dreading hauls can be heard…

Alone in the dark I drift endlessly

Then I look at my side and see you Friend,
My inner fire rekindles and I saw the path with you help.

-Tuomas Törmä


Quote About Strenght

Before first steps I did not know how to walk,
all I could do was to crawl and hide
But after seeing others falling back to ground only to rise again
All I could do was to follow them

-Tuomas Törmä

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”
-Albert Camus (link)